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3 смена 2025г.
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Russian Children’s Centre Orlyonok

Rules for the use of mobile phones and electronic digital devices

Rules for the use of mobile phones and electronic digital devices in the "Orlyonok"

      In the children's camps "Orlyonok" there are general rules for the use of mobile phones and other electronic digital devices.

 1. On the first day of arrival, after distribution and placement in the detachment, the child has the opportunity to call the parents and inform which squad he is assigned, give the contact number of the camp's phone.

 2. Personal mobile phone and other gadgets of children are transferred to the custodians of the detachment. All equipment is in special cells, where it is ensured their safety and charging.

 3. Children use the personal mobile phone in the allotted time, which depends on the daily routine in each children's camp.

 REMEMBER, that the usual day in "Eaglet" is full of detachments and camp games, where emotional inclusion and participation in the proposed activity is important.

4. Electronic digital devices are transmitted to the child for use in developmental purposes (searching for the necessary information for preparing for detachments, competitions and games, performing creative and research work provided for by the shift program), for taking photos and video of major camp events and general events with parents.

5. "Orlyonok" provides parents with constant access to information about the children's stay in the children's camp and provides the opportunity to communicate via fixed telephones.

6. During the call to the land line of the children's camp, where your child is, you must name his name, surname, region, from which he came, number of the detachment. The administrator on duty will inform you about the child's employment, inform him about the possibility of a conversation with him. If the child is free, he will be invited to the phone within 30 minutes.

IMPORTANT! Optimum time for communication with the child via fixed telephones from 12.30 to 15.00 Moscow time.

Attention! For children who have come to "Orlyonok" from the Far East and other time zones, the schedule of using telephones can be adjusted individually.

When an urgent need, the child can always get the phone by contacting the counselor.

We ask you to treat the rules adopted in the "Orlyonok" with understanding. Be sure that here your child will learn to communicate, will find new friends and a lot of positive emotions.



Phone number of duty

Mobile phone usage schedule



Every day from 13.30 till 15.30, from 21.00 till 22.00


1 porch 8(86167)91-301

2 porch 8(86167)91-542

Every day from  13.30 till 15.00


1 porch 8(86167)91-575

2 porch 8(86167)91-275

Every day from 13.30 till 15.00, from 21.00 till 21.45



Every day from 13.30 till 15.30


8(86167)91-271, 8(86167)91-272

Every day from 14.00 till 15.30


8(86167)91-196, 8(86167)91-198

Every day from 13.30 till 15.15

«Olimpijskaja derevnya»

8(86167)91-411, 8(86167)91-412, 8(86167)91-413

Every day from 13.30 till 15.30



One time per four days, starts from fives day of tour from 20.00 till 22.00. Mandatory phones are issued before the trip.



Every day from 13.30 till 15.30, from 21.00 till 22.00



Every day from 13.45 till 14.15