“Shtormovoy” campers study the mysteries of the Black Sea and marine sciences: applied naval architecture, boat device, flag semaphore alphabet, rigging. Ship companies (the camp teams) sail the sea on rowing and sailing boats “Yal-6” and “Yal-4”. There’s also a real shipyard for the boys and girls who are interested in building sailing boats.
Camp “Shtormovoy” teaches campers and counselors to respect and follow fleet’s traditions. It also teaches them to cooperate, think, achieve their goals and keep their word. Boys, girls and counselors of “Shtormovoy” are expected to become helpful, anxious to improving themselves, and to be respectful to the country and people around them.
“Shtormovoy” has all of the infrastructure associated with a regular ship: bunkrooms and mess-rooms, decks and officers' wardrooms, cookhouse and bell.